Dr Violet Kieu is a Fertility Specialist based in Melbourne, Australia.
MBBS BMedSc DipSurgAnat MRMed(Excellence) FRANZCOG
Dr Violet Kieu is a consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (OBGYN/O&G) specialising in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility (REI), with expertise in all aspects of fertility & fertility preservation.
Violet graduated from Medicine, Surgery & Medical Science from the University of Melbourne in 2007 and was awarded the Vernon Collins Prize in Paediatrics. She holds a Diploma in Surgical Anatomy 2009, a Masters of Reproductive Medicine with Excellence 2019 from UNSW and is a strong advocate for fertility care and women's health.
Violet completed a three-year Clinical Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility (REI) at the Reproductive Services Unit at the Royal Women's Hospital (RWH) & Melbourne IVF. Violet is now a consultant in the Endocrine Metabolic Clinic and Fertility Preservation Service at the RWH, as well as at Melbourne IVF & Eastern Health.
Violet’s research awards include the Australian Gynaecology Endoscopy Surgery (AGES) Platinum Laparoscopy Award 2018 and a presentation prize from the Australian and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Radiology (ANZSPR) 2012.
As a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Melbourne, Violet conducts both quantitative and qualitative research into the patient experience of IVF. She has published in both national and international peer-reviewed journals.
Violet contributes to education and leadership through lecturing and thesis assessment for MD and Biomedicine Honours students. She is also a journal reviewer and Associate Faculty Member of Faculty Opinions.
Violet's passion is narrative medicine. That is, listening to and understanding the patient journey. Violet uses Evidence-Based Medicine to improve IVF outcomes by integrating patient values with the best scientific knowledge and clinical expertise.
Violet has authored over a dozen peer-reviewed medical publications, indexed in PubMed.
Violet has co-created with the Western & Central Melbourne Intergrated Cancer Services (WCMICS) a suite of animated patient information videos on fertility preservation, including egg freeze, embryo freeze, ovarian tissue, sperm & testicular tissue freeze here.
Violet has authored general medical articles for a wide audience, including at The Conversation.
Violet has published a summary of the 2022 Australian Fertility Preservation Guidelines on the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA), and has talked about this on the MJA Podcast.
Our Fertility Values
Our Fertility Values
We offer you the best in fertility care, with attention to lifestyle, ovulation, egg & sperm health. We support you with counsellors, fertility nurses & patient liaison officers.
We support what treatments you decide, such as egg freezing, cycle tracking, ovulation induction (OI), intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilisation (IVF) & intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
We practice inclusion & understand everyone’s family is unique. We provide care to all - single women, same-sex couples, with expertise in donor, surrogacy & complex medical conditions.
‘Listening is the foundation of my fertility approach. Let me help you optimise your chances of reaching your reproductive goals.’ - Dr Violet Kieu
Freeze Fertility Newsletter
Freeze Fertility Newsletter
Communication is key to sharing values & working together.
Thus, we aim to share interesting updates from the world of fertility - be it scientific, medical, psychological, ethical, or other - each month in the Freeze Fertility Newsletter on Substack.
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