Ovulation Induction

Ovulation induction is a technique that can be used for some women who have irregular or no ovulation, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or hypothalamic hypogonadism (HH).

We use medication to grow one egg (mono-follicular development) to a maximum of two eggs & advise on timed intercourse.

Intra-Uterine Insemination

Usually used with ovulation induction, this is an additional step to place semen directly into the uterus. This is done as a day procedure, and can be performed for unexplained infertility, mild male factor or for donor sperm. We monitor our cycles using ultrasounds & blood tests.


  • Clomiphene citrate, a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM), or Letrozole, an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI), are oral medications used to promote ovulation. Low dose injections of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) may alternatively be used.

  • There are different laboratory methods to prepare sperm for IUI. The aim is the concentrate the sperm and remove debris. Our Andrology Laboratory at Melbourne IVF uses the Density Gradient Centrifugation method.

  • Dr Violet Kieu has extensive experience in donor assessment. We can advise on both Recipient Recruited Donor Sperm (someone you know), or Clinic Recruited Donor Sperm (an altruistic donor in Australia).


Egg Freezing
