In vitro fertilization means ‘in glass’. Both eggs & sperm are taken out of the body to form an embryo, then returned to the uterus.

Dr Violet Kieu is an expert at IVF cycle management. We have broken IVF down into 5 key steps: the decision, the stimulation, the egg collection, the fertilization & the embryo transfer. Read more detail on our blog post.

Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection is a micro-manipulation technique to select and inject one sperm into an egg. The main reason to use ICSI is for male factor infertility, and can also be used for testicular sperm or to fertilize thawed frozen eggs.


  • Also known as add-ons, these have been defined by the Fertility Society of Australia & New Zealand (FSANZ) as ‘therapies undertaken in addition to recognised standard ART treatment regimens.’ The use of these needs further discussion.

  • RIF is the absence of implantation after repeated embryo transfers. Further management may include genetic, endocrine, anatomical, autoimmune, infectious and other investigations & treatments.

  • According to the Victorian Assisted Reproduction Authority (VARTA), Victorian fertility clinics are only permitted to practice gestational surrogacy (no genetic link between surrogate and baby). Surrogacy arrangements must be altruistic (not for profit) in Australia. We are able to discuss surrogacy further.



